Anything related to the world of PHP programming.

17 Apr 2013
April 17, 2013

Is your website mobile-ready?


Not so long ago, browsing the Internet was done only on desktop computers. According to the article “Tablet Mobile Web Traffic Now Eclipses Smartphone Traffic” at, there has been a steady increase of web traffic going to tablets and smartphones globally. Considering the trends, it is easy to see that mobile devices will dominate.. read more →

Having the right tools for the job always make the job a lot easier (and fun). Imagine trying to drive a nail into wood when all you have is a saw. That would be like trying to design and develop a website by using notepad. It certainly can be done, just like you can try.. read more →


In this tutorial, I will show you how to quickly prepare a login screen to your PHP/MySQL web-application.  You will be introduced to Sessions, PHP functions, SQL query, MD5 encryption and PHPMyAdmin. Prerequisites: Some basic knowledge of the C programming language or the PHP scripting language, a fully functional development environment (see WAMP Server Setup.. read more →

09 Nov 2012
November 9, 2012

WAMP Server Setup Guide


Quick and easy way to setup a PHP+Apache+MySql Development Environment on Windows. In this article I will show you how to quickly setup an environment to get you started with building (or learning to build) PHP/MySQL applications and websites. One of the simplest package to use is WAMP Server (for Windows development environment). The acronym.. read more →